Configurar microsoft outlook

Backed by enterprise-grade security Outlook works around the clock to help protect your privacy and keep your inbox free of clutter.

Protection delivered by the same tools Microsoft uses for business customers. Data encryption in your mailbox and after email is sent. Automatic deactivation of unsafe links that contain phishing scams, viruses, or malware.

Click the "File" tab. Select "Manual setup or additional server types". This will allow you to enter any email account. Note: If you're using Gmail or Hotmail Outlook. Outlook will take care of the rest of the configuration for you.

You can also manually set them up if you prefer by reading on. This will enable you to enter a web-based email account. Enter your email account information. Enter your name as well as your email address in the top section. Leave the Server Information blank for now see next step. In the Logon Information section, enter your account User Name usually the same as your email address as well as the password you use to access the account.

Enter your mail server information. In the Server Information section, enter in the information for your mail service. Click the. More Settings Click the Outgoing Server tab. Select "Use same settings as my incoming mail server". This setting is the same for nearly all email services. Advanced tab. Outlook will begin testing your settings to ensure that it can connect to the server to send and receive messages.

Wait for your messages to sync. Depending on how many messages you have, this may take a few moments. You can monitor the process from the status bar at the bottom of the window. Outlook will only have to do a major sync the first time you connect your account.

After this, it will just sync any changes made from any of your email clients. Browse through your messages. On the left side of the window, you'll see your email account with its associated folders listed underneath. You can browse through these folders to see all of your messages. Any organizational changes you make in Outlook will be reflected in the web version of your email account, and vice versa.

I can't send email messages, but I can receive them. If you can receive messages just fine, but Outlook gives you an error when sending, you'll want to double-check your Outgoing Server settings. Click the File tab and select "Info". Double-check that your Outgoing Mail Server is set correctly.

In the "More Settings" window, look up alternate ports to try for the Outgoing Server. Also ensure that "My outgoing server requires authentication" is checked in the Outgoing Server tab. I can't receive email messages, but I can send them. If you can send email messages, but you're having difficulty retrieving new ones, you'll want to double-check your Incoming Server settings. I can't send or receive email messages. If you are receiving authentication errors and can't send or receive messages, you're likely dealing with a bad password.

Retype your password into the Password field. Check to see if your mail service requires logon using Secure Password Authentication most web mail services don't require this. If you're using two-factor authentication, you'll need to crate and use an app-specific password for Outlook. Click here for instructions for Google's two-factor authentication. Part 2. Understand what will happen when you import a calendar. Outlook is included with Microsoft Office Faculty, staff, and graduate students with a full-service SUNet ID and undergraduate students with an Office account can download Microsoft Office for Windows via webmail for free.

See Microsoft Office for Windows for more information. Email, calendar, and other items are kept in an Outlook data file on your computer so you can work offline.

You can set the duration of this setting to 1, 3, 6, 12, or 24 months, or All. Stanford , California Skip to content Skip to site navigation. University IT. Otherwise, skip to step 4. Enter your phone number and select whether you want to receive your verification codes by text message or a phone call. Then click NEXT. Return to the previous screen by clicking the left arrow at the top of the screen next to 2-Step Verification.

Enter your Google password and then select Sign in. At the bottom of the next screen, select Mail and Windows Computer from the drop-down lists, then select Generate. Google will display an app password for you. Copy this password without the spaces and enter this password when Outlook prompts you for a password. If you're using two-factor authentication for Outlook. Under More security options , select Explore. Scroll down to the app passwords section, and then choose Create a new app password.

Your app password will be displayed on the next screen. Make a note of this password, as you'll need it when you add your account to Outlook. Use the instructions at the beginning of this article to add your account to Outlook, but when Outlook asks for your password, enter your app password. Go to the Yahoo website from your browser and select the settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen. You may need to sign in again. If Two-step verification isn't turned on, you'll need to do that before you continue.

Then select Manage app passwords. Select Outlook Desktop from the drop-down list, and then select Generate. Yahoo will display an app password for you. If you've already turned on two-factor authentication, you'll receive a code on one of your devices.

Enter this code to continue. Otherwise, turn on two-factor authentication. Enter a name for your password, such as Outlook , and select Create. Apple will display an app password for you. If you need to enter specific values for incoming and outgoing server names, port numbers, or SSL settings, you can use Outlook's advanced setup option.

On the next screen, enter your email address, select Advanced options , then check the box for Let me set up my account manually and select Connect.


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