Complex systems software engineering

IBM Rational DOORS is a requirements management application for optimizing requirements communication, collaboration and verification throughout your organization and supply chain. This scalable solution can help you meet business goals by managing project scope and cost. Rational DOORS lets you capture, trace, analyze and manage changes to information while maintaining…. Ultimately, stakeholder satisfaction, project schedule, and overall program cost hinges on systems engineering effectiveness.

Employing a single software solution which is easy to use, connects…. CORE provides a comprehensive systems engineering and project management toolset designed from the inside out for efficient management of complex systems engineering problems.

Whether you are performing a one-month study or a long-term systems engineering design project, success depends on getting started quickly, finding the right solution, and being responsive…. Research in the field of complex systems engineering aims to counteract such a "spiral of increasing complexity" with adapted technical concepts and suitable software tools.

Almost all information technology applications and systems are distributed nowadays. The associated ICT systems must be implemented and operated using suitable technical means in a functional, efficient, safe and user-friendly manner. To this end, suitable technical solutions are being developed that take into account the increasing requirements of open distributed and networked, increasingly also mobile applications in a wide variety of application areas.

Aspects of distribution, security, communication as well as strategic application goals, methods of information management and exchange as well as openness, usability and contextualization are taken into account and integrated into a uniform, application-oriented, structured process. Applications of such systems can be found in very different areas: from Internet applications to logistics, industrial production processes to distributed business applications.

This often involves dealing with distributed often large volumes of data, questions of distributing process and data management e. Two different ICT system components can be distinguished: The actual application system and its basic networked and distributed technical infrastructure.

Both require specific architectures, design principles and development methods to encapsulate the inherent complexity of these systems so that they can take on increasingly demanding communication and data processing tasks without unnecessarily confronting users with their complexity. In the field of big data, for example, very large amounts of data are obtained from various often distributed sources, stored elsewhere e. Basically, the complexity of infrastructures and basic technologies for the provision of modern applications is a consequence of the complex application requirements.

Accordingly, these basic technologies must not only guarantee the efficiency of the systems from a non-functional point of view, but also meet the high requirements resulting from the distribution, heterogeneity and dynamics of system landscapes. The usually not insignificant security aspects of such systems then also play a decisive role for various application areas e.

Within the Complex Systems Engineering focus, the Software Engineering division deals with important aspects of the implementation of large, distributed, secure and complex information and communication systems.


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