FastTrack helps you move successfully to Microsoft Learn more about onboarding services and driving business value. Visit the Dev Center for documentation, code samples, and all the latest developer community news. See the Microsoft and Office Resources page for the system requirements of Project. See the Microsoft and Office Resources page for the browser requirements of Project.
In this article. Database locks prevent multiple users from making conflicting modifications to a set of data. When a set of data is locked by a user or process, no other user or process can modify that same set of data until the first user or process finishes modifying the data and relinquishes the lock. To help reduce the incidence of database lock contention you can: Scale up the database server. As a result, the time to complete each request increases.
Limit the number of projects and fields shown in a given view, so that limit the amount of data requested from the Database server. Try to limit the number of custom fields you utilize, especially at the task level. This prevents the WFE from responding to requests quickly and can cause timeouts and error messages on client computers.
This issue can be resolved in one of two ways. You can add additional WFE servers to the farm to distribute user load, or you can scale up the Web server or servers by adding higher-speed processors.
When you have a substantial number of large queue jobs executing, the server memory utilization can spike. More complex server side scheduling calculations, or evaluation of formula custom fields, can also consume substantial memory resources.
Monitor at which tier memory usage is a bottleneck:that is, is the memory scarcity happening on the Application server, the front-end web server, or the database server. No Approval Process 7. BI and Reporting Limits 8.
No Integration to MS Outlook 9. No Risk Management Weak for Managing Multiple Projects To be Continued…… Presentation Part 2 If you would like to learn what I did to address the Top 10 issues please email me. Total views 44, On Slideshare 0.
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