Tryx3 Article Author. This article is about using the pop method to retrieve email in Outlook Online accounts themselves are not pop or imap or Exchange ["EAS"]. I have included a brief reference to Exchange accounts ["EAS"] Towards the end of the article, I also start wittering on about imap email and about smartphone email because I always have those issues at the back of my mind when I am setting up Outlook If you have a suggestion for improving this Forum article then please post a comment below.
Setting an account up to use Exchange ["EAS"] allows synchronisation of many additional features such as calendars. Outlook can only handle a single Exchange account. To use more than one you would have to create a new profile and would have to switch between profiles to use different email accounts. I think this is too awkward for routine use. I believe that Outlook onwards can have multiple Exchange accounts. There is guidance on setting up Exchange accounts in Outlook Set up email and Set up email on an Android phone or tablet - Office Support.
As shown in paras 1. I therefore check my email before leaving my master computer, I use the others to check for new emails while I am away then, when I return, I recheck email on the master computer [which deletes them from the server].
The emails are synced when you have an internet connection and, once synced, the emails can still be viewed in Outlook whether the internet is still connected or not. You can download copies of emails to a device but they still remain on the server. Email attachments can also be downloaded but this is done as a separate action as I understand it but I imagine that I am merely missing an imap setting somewhere.
This system allows you to have several devices accessing your email without much risk of missing anything. To remove emails requires special procedures. See Purge IMAP items marked for deletion - Office Help and note that purging them from the server also deletes local copies on your device[s].
The information provided in the [post-migration] Options section of the online Outlook. The smtp settings do not change. I have found disputed claims that changing from pop to imap resets the server so all emails must be checked before any such change so that any copies left on the server are merely duplicates.
Imap, on the other hand, uses secure internet connections [just as https internet addresses do]. However, I have also seen lots of online discussions referring to the security imap uses as being ineffective. How satisfied are you with this article? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. A powerful email and personal organzing program.
If you like being organized, you'll love Outlook Integrates perfectly with other MS software. Cons: Steep learning curve for those new to Outlook and MS Office products in general, but worth hanging in there.
Pros: Easy install and porting of e-mails from office and outlook express. Clear and convenient design. Almost intuitive interface. Nice new features!!! Cons: Don't know yet, it seemed pretty good to me for the week that I used it. Overall Review: Would like to get a complete suite of office for myself to try out. Haven't hooked this up to exchange server or anything, but I would imagine that this couldn't be that bad to do. Cons: Stupid business contact manager.
Had to uninstall it and uninstall SQL it installs with the bcm. Pros: Good product for the price that new egg had it for. Not much different than previous versions as far as functionality.
A few new add ins, but I really don't use them. It was supposed to arrive Thursday, but came a day early on Wednesday. Cons: As usual, Microsoft had to take a good product and load it up with bloat ware. I know they tried to come up with eye candy for those who like it, but I prefer funtionality and ease of use over all the fancy stuff. I gave the 4 egg rating because of the bloatware. I bought it as part of a combo special with Office 2K3 Home and Student and got what I think is a steal of a price.
Pros: SP1 works smooth on vista. Better and smarter foreign language support. I like the more features. Cons: Need this for vista to work.
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