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Things that are meant to be funny come across as ugly and very mean spirited. Final thought. Run away Review by kohyeaahnisqatsi 1. Fascinating in that there is absolutely no good reason for this tepid romcom to exist but for one simple thing. Jennifer Love Hewitt's boobs. She is like Audrey Hepburn with a serious rack. This is the same gal who made 'The Client List' about a wholesome young woman who helped men with their marital problems while she uh Talk about your mixed messages.

I won't even discuss the plot because it's just a vehicle for Jen to parade around in a bunch of cleavage baring outfits, constantly twisting and contorting her body to bare as much boobage…. Directors Dana Lustig. Studio Screen Media. Subtitles English CC.

Released year Age rating Restricted. Duration 1 h 25 min. Genres Comedy Romance Romantic Comedy. Size 1. Additional terms Terms of transaction. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Goofs When Katya and her two friends are in an Indian Cafe, her friend is seen with a hookah shisha pipe in the mouth. However, when the shisha is shown by the camera, the terra cota cup is open. To smoke a shisha, that cup should be filled with tobacco, then covered by an aluminum foil, and topped with burning coals.

Quotes Katya Livingston : Darling, don't you know that looking good is everything - no matter how much it costs? User reviews 23 Review. Top review. This film is about a woman who does everything to climb up the social ladder, and pretends to be someone who she isn't. I bought this film for 1 pound, and it was not even second hand. Hence, I did not have much expectations for it. It is obvious that this is made for TV.

The way the camera moves between Frangiapani and Katja in the Indian restaurant looks more like a soap opera than a film. The obligatory gay friend who is constantly suicidal is too over the top that is almost derogatory. Despite all these shortcomings, I confess that I enjoyed the film. It is fun, brain-off film that makes you forget your troubles. Jennifer Love Hewitt looks stunning in the film. It's a comedy that works!

Gordon Jun 4, Details Edit. Release date March 12, United States. United States.


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