Dna activation youtube

DNA Strand 1: Courage to move ahead and integrate our fears. DNA Strand 2: Ability to focus on something and follow it to completion. DNA Strand 4: Balance between our energy field and the physical body. DNA Strand 5: Living peacefully in a state of acceptance.

DNA Strand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sides. DNA Strand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomes. DNA Strand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community.

DNA Strand Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things. The Endocrine Glands. Hypothalamus — I translate what I believe. Pineal — I see or envision what I receive. Pituitary — I hear what I receive. Thyroid — I speak what I receive. Thymus — I clear and transmute what I receive. Heart — I feel what I receive. Gonads — I create and manifest what I receive.

Adrenals — I hold true to what I receive. Right now most people have only 3 to 3. These distortions cause DNA sequences to run in reverse causing chaos in mental and emotional bodies. Most people have distortions in strand 2 which relates to the emotional body , and strand 3 controls the mental body. When DNA activation happens life comes up with much more clarity and harmony instead of drama, chaos, unhappiness, stress, and difficulties in experiencing genuine love.

Most people do not know their life purpose and are just drifting in their lives. Furthermore, people are very disconnected from their REAL Selves and Universum and most people need to meditate or do yoga for many years to feel any energetic experience or a moment of higher state of consciousness.

DNA activation helps to start activating these abilities which each person already has, yet they are dormant. The goal of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution is to progressively activate DNA to bring in and embody 12 dimensional levels of consciousness and merge with the ONE Source consciousness once again. To activate our 12 strand DNA template divine seed blueprint means that we are able to change the angular rotation of particle spin within every particle and sub-atomic particle that makes up our bodies to be able to ascend to another dimension.

Most humans have forgotten who they are and that they are God-like beings. When the human genome was operating in its original organic form in pre-ancient history, the process of cellular transmutation took place in one lifetime, over a period of about 44 years.

If you have energetic blockages such as auric attachments, karmic imprints, DNA distortions, or unnatural energetic seals and implants, then you will not be able to speed up the particles and accrete the frequencies necessary to live a life fully and in love and joy, to realize your true Self and find the purpose of your Soul and what work you are passionate in which to serve.

As you can see from the above image, you may choose from three different sessions:. Basic, Standard and Premium. These sessions activate your dormant strands of DNA starting from strands 1 — 4. This session is designed to remove all of the various energetic blockages and accelerate your DNA activation process.

Premium is the J-Seals and Unnatural Implants Removal Session, 12 Strand DNA Activation Sessions and a 60 minute intense Reiki session that will also help move additional stagnant energy through your system and clear you out for the new energies that are coming in. DNA Activation Strands 1 — Will allow you to re-wire your energy conduits for expansive light accretion into your morphogenetic field so you can start having access and embodying your Soul Identity.

Not only will you be able to embody more of your Higher Self, experience higher states of consciousness, you can start to live a life in ever deepening peace, genuine love and joy that is within you. Also your world outside as a reflection of what is inside will gradually change and your life may become more simple, relationships will be deeper and meaningful and your work may change to something that your soul is passionate about.

These are 45 minute sessions that are separated a minimum of 7 days apart from each other. The reason why is the energies you will be receiving are extremely powerful and your higher self will filter them out to a level that which you are able to hold each day.

DNA activation is a process of transformation. It takes time to activate your physical DNA. Etherically all 12 of your DNA strands for your divine seed blueprint will be activated, your body requires time to re-code, re-wire and re-structure your entire light body.

To order your session choose the type below:. Buy with Crypto. He is always on hand to answer any questions and support me through the process! I was very anxious in the early days because I had just woken up to the the false light and found myself very much alone but despite my fear I stepped forward and embarked on a whole new journey!

Jo Houghton September 5, Hello everyone, this is what I experienced during the sessions and after my 12 strand dna activation. The first session I experienced a very calming and relaxing energy throughout my whole body.

My 2nd session experience was quite dramatic and super transformational. During the 2nd session I felt strong energy in my left leg and then it slowly moved to the left side of my face. The energy was also strong in the lip area during the middle of the session. At another point in the session the energy was like needles hitting my chest which was a little bit painful. The next day after the 2nd session around 4am I seen an ascended master. He had long hair with blue energy being projected from his eyes for a total distance of roughly 3 inches.

It looked like two tiny beams of light coming from his eyes. In the past I was always very sensitive to negative energy but after the 2nd session I had a guest come in during work. He was yelling and swearing at me. In the 3rd session I experienced similar energy to sessions 1 and 2, but following the 3rd session I had a divine fever with a sore throat similar to a cold. My husband also experienced this after his 12 strand dna activation.

Irene Mcdonald August 22, As the integration of this session begins to be completed, it is possible to expect a general uplift in our lives. I realized that each strand of DNA awakens different potentials within us and opens different locks of our consciousness.

It elevates our spirit, increases the light within us. It seriously increases the positivity of our outlook on life. Our minds are clearing and we are getting further and further away from being a slave to our minds. Our outlook on life is evolving to favor Source energy.

We develop an internal mechanism that is more fair and understanding to people. Of course, it is a session that has the potential to contain many different positivity for everyone. This process is a whole and DNA activations are a very important part of this whole. I would like to express my endless thanks to all our brothers of pure light, love and service to the whole, especially Jaye. Deniz Ekin Derinalp July 20, I was hoping I would be able to establish a better communication channel with my higher self after removing the j-seals and activating my DNA.

So, you meditate, but still experience self limiting thoughts and beliefs. We all know about the physical DNA inside of us, those 2 strands we learned about in science class, but we also have nonphysical DNA made up of just energy. Around adolescence our DNA experiences blocks and has unnatural seals placed on it due to the chaos and fear on Earth that keep us from achieving higher consciousness.

During a session, I examine your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. I locate and remove any seals, unnatural implants, or tags, and heal breaks and shadows, thus repairing your DNA. Think of it like making a sculpture, you need to chip away at the unwanted stone to uncover the beautiful work of art that was there all along. When you get your DNA activated to 12 strands, your higher energy body, aka your higher spiritual chakras , are opened, and you are now able to access your infinite self.

The center for reprogramming, this is one of the most exciting areas within the human body. No matter the blueprint a person chooses for him or her self, it will get downloaded into the brain and disseminated through the nervous system into the body.

By simply changing the very material a human being is made of, an automatic and permanent upgrade takes place. It is the single-most powerful tool for human transformation there is! Just like the rest of the human body, the medulla communicates through very succinct messages.

These messages are determined by the health of the medulla and are translated into specific life experiences. I live my life in harmony and balance, unaffected by the opinions of others — even if they represent a majority. I feel uneasy with the unconventional and easily get embarrassed when those around me act out of the norm — especially in public! Activating the Medulla will heal drug addictions Drugs with a mind-altering effect leave residue in the human brain and nervous system.

Tuning into this center will blast any debris out of the system, allowing for an enhanced production of dopamine to happen. Forget any chemically induced simulations and go with the natural access to states of ecstasy in stead.


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