The Toy Story Midway Mania! In the ride, players put on 3D glasses and are swung through a series of mini-games that involve aiming at targets. The short-lived Virtual Magic Kingdom recreated some of the best attractions and lands in — well, the Magic Kingdom.
There were lots of opportunities to shop, chat, and play games. The best part about this one was its tie-in to actual Disney theme parks. Sure, the nostalgia was real, but it was also great to complete scavenger-hunt-like quests in the real Disneyland to win prizes online. Players could use characters from Toy Story , Tarzan and The Lion King to skate through various worlds inspired by their movies. Sure, the concept is fun. But do we really expect the elephant from Tarzan to be cruising by on four wheels?
While the game is fun for a little while, it gets old quickly. This game was sort of the Monsters Inc. Instead, you threw balls at your competitors in courses inspired by movie scenes. There were a few different game modes and both the single-player and multiplayer versions of the game were entertaining.
What Disney did right with this one was make a game that was truly unique. There was enough to do in the game for it to stay fresh, and there were plenty of movie references packed into the gameplay.
Perhaps this one is worse than the skating game we already mentioned. Created a couple years earlier, this one lacked decent graphics. While you could do tricks, you were more often left scooting around, looking for coins. While the graphics are dated, the theming is on-point. Players could journey through brightly colored worlds while attacking enemies.
The game actually gained lots of praise, although some people were critical of how difficult the game was. We actually think this makes the game better. Sometimes the hard ones end up being the fun ones. The tube shooter-style segments added a nice break from the traditional flow of the game. It was overly simplistic and once you played it once, it was time for it to make a permanent home on your shelf.
There was no replayability value. The levels were average and the scenery was subpar. Everything about it was basic.
While running around as Simba is fun, the places in which you got to do so were limited. Guilty Party had us entertained from the start. This mystery-style game was very fun and full of rooms to explore and characters to meet. They have hired Japanese studios and Western ones alike to develop their games. So many talented people have touched Disney games and so many players have seen that brilliance shine into their living rooms. Of course, there is always a little cross-over, as Disney is a company that loves to diversify.
Even in games, their titles span a wide-range of genres and styles. Infinity is a Disney tour-de-force. What separates Disney Infinity from so many other licensed games and cheap cash-in products is how well it plays. Disney and Avalanche Software put together a crack team of developers from a variety of studios.
Disney Infinity 3. With so many different designers playing to their strengths, no one can argue with its mechanical caliber. Pulling Star Wars, Marvel, and traditional Disney characters into one box worked surprisingly well.
The creator tools inside Disney Infinity are startlingly robust, letting players build sprawling worlds to play inside. It is devastating that, in , Disney pulled the plug on Infinity , depriving us of more games in the series. On paper, Kinect : Disneyland Adventures is a perfect Disney game. In execution it's wretched. The Disney theme parks are ripe for their own games, with level structure and unique areas already baked into their DNA.
The problem with Kinect: Disneyland Adventures is two-fold. As anyone who played with the original Kinect can tell you, it is way too difficult to do basic things like moving from one area to another. Secondly, most of the attractions in the park boiled down to boring score-chasing mini games. None of the charm or whimsy of rides like Pirates of the Caribbean or Space Mountain made it into the final product — and that is massively disappointing, to say the least.
Epic Mickey is a love letter to vintage Mickey Mouse cartoons. Epic Mickey harkens back to turn of the century 3D platformers. Not unlike Super Mario Sunshine , Mickey shoots paint or paint thinner out of a brush to create or erase the world.
The game also has a light morality system that rewards players for being a good Samaritan this is Mickey Mouse after all. Mickey Mousecapade embodies everything bad about old NES games. It is unfair, frustrating, with aggravating music, and dull level design. Taking Mickey and Minnie through a generic series of 8-bit 2D levels is an exercise in tedium. It is hard to imagine that this challenging, painful game was marketed at kids.
Avoid Mickey Mousecapade at all costs! Mousecapade was originally titled Mickey Mouse when it first released in Japan.
Capcom eventually ported it to the west. The company gussied up the name and slapped their logo on the cover. And these can be switched on the fly, a new feature for the series. But no Final Fantasy characters , you say? The story and the gameplay are nothing super original.
But if we dismiss the fact that the street urchin can take down thugs by throwing apples, just as easily as slashing them with his swords, Aladdin is a great example of how excellent graphics and smooth 2D animations can make or break a game.
No way something like this was possible back in without some Disney magic. Disney Infinity is powered by an amazing concept that not only breaks the shackles of straightforward movies, but also takes creativity to extreme levels. Sold with the Infinity Base, Disney Infinity allows you to pick real-life figures and transport them into the game. This is complete with dedicated settings that wonderfully mimick each world that the characters come from. Want the best of both worlds?
Get into Toy Box mode and create the world, and the games, you always dreamt of… but never dared ask for. Donald is a duck of many identities. Superhero in disguise, private detective extraordinaire, and powerful ninja master all in one. After picking up the Yin and Yang symbol, Maui Mallard will turn into the ninja master Cold Shadows, unlocking even more super-duper abilities. Like any bone fide ninja, Cold Shadows does not know what mercy is: play the game now, or suffer the consequences.
Stemming from the animated show by the same name, Goof Troop is a top-down action-adventure game that sees you control either Goofy, or his son Max, as they explore five different islands to save Pete and his son PJ from pirates. Or maybe not… as closing one eye would prevent you from ogling the amazing graphics, which still look amazing today. Are they real, or just another illusion? Every time I hear the word DuckTales, that catchy song gets stuck in my head, same with this classic title as well.
Just a plain Disney classic. His pogo stick cane is probably one of the most memorable mechanics here. Guilty Party is the most unique game on this list. And one of the very best. Valentine after the kidnapping one of its members.
The WiiMote powered gameplay is always a joy to pick up. And the detective game mechanics work incredibly well together with the Wii controller, not to mention the 50 mini-games are not only great fun, but they feature dynamic difficulty settings too.
Arguably the best Disney game that almost no one ever heard of! Think of everything you enjoyed about KH1, then add a ton of new worlds, improved battle commands, and new lore. Granted this video might kinda help.