All Rights Reserved. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Enjoy up to p HD resolution. Record your favorite shows and movies in HD. Breathtaking picture. State-of-the-art DVR. Record shows and watch them on your own time.
Pause and rewind live TV. Our Advisors have listened to most of the speakers we carry, and can help you make the best choice for your system. Close contact box. Call See our hours Our hours Hours 7 days a week. Looking for International Support? Connect ID. What is Connect ID? Call us at Your advisor will be able to share relevant pages and add items to your cart.
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Virtual agent: Thanks! We found your order info. Please fill out the following and we'll have someone from Tech Support call you back at your convenience. Your phone number Please enter a valid digit phone number. When should we call you back? Callback time. You can exit this chat now. Exit chat Send. Don't wait on hold. We'll call you back when it's your turn to talk with the next available. How can we help you today?
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It's your turn. See bio. We will be calling you. We're sorry. We have encountered a problem. Sorry, the call-back feature is currently unavailable. Read more from Crutchfield writer, Amanda P. Go back See more. Discontinued item. Item R Toggle Your vehicle. Toggle Parts you'll need. Toggle Your car stereo. Radio: Please confirm that this adapter will work with the stereo you intend to use.
You can find out your receiver model by pressing and holding INFO on your remote. Note: Live broadcasts and sporting events may not end at the scheduled time. You have the option to extend the recording time by up to 3 hours. Go to Recordings and select View Playlist. Select Manage Recordings. Upcoming Recordings manages scheduled recordings. Series Manager prioritizes your recordings to avoid conflicts. Recording History tracks all recordings on the DVR. Purchase History tracks all purchases on the DVR.
Select Watch on TV.