If the parameter type is numeric, and you assign a non-numeric value to the parameter, the SQLIOSim utility sets the parameter to 0. If the parameter type is Boolean , the valid values that you can assign to the parameter are true and false. Additionally, the values are case sensitive. If a pair of parameters indicates a minimum value and a maximum value, the minimum value must not be larger than the maximum value.
Note If you experience an error in the SQLIOSim utility, we recommend that you ask your hardware manufacturer to help determine the root cause of the issue. In this article. Override the Sqliosim. Save the resulting configuration in the configuration file. You can use this option to create the initial configuration file. Specify the error log file name and the error log file path. The default file name is Sqliosim. Set the location to create the data.
You can run this command multiple times. In most cases, this location is a drive root or a volume mount point. This location can be a long path or a UNC path.
Set the duration of the main run. This value excludes the preparation phase and the verification phase. Set the initial size of the data file in megabytes MB. The file can grow up to two times the initial size. The size of the log file is calculated as half the size of the data file.
However, the log file cannot be larger than 50 MB. The affinity mask should be within the active CPU mask. A value of 0 means that all available CPUs will be used. The value cannot exceed This is the limit of the utility.
The MaxOutstandingIO parameter is still honored. To fully test a server, execute one test for each setting. If this parameter is set to true, the NoBuffering parameter is also set to true. A file may contain multiple data streams. Only streams that are specified in the File x FileName entry are truncated in the file.
If the default stream is specified, all streams are deleted. Only data streams that you specify in the File x FileName entry are truncated in the file. This process may take a long time if the file is large. SQL Server uses the instant file initialization feature for data files.
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At the same time, the user can flexibly change both the number and the priority of this or that type of requests to a database or an application. Once the stored procedure execution completes you will see that statistics are generated to help give you valuable feedback towards your workload. You can see the iterations that completed. In this case we only executed the stored procedure once. You can also see valuable information for actual seconds, CPU, Logical reads and elapsed time as shown in the screen shot below.
Now we will execute the following T-SQL script below, which will give us the execution count for our stored procedure. We just cleared the procedure cache so you will get an execution count of one as shown in the screen shot below. Now that we have gone over the basics of executing a stored procedure with SQLQueryStress we will go over adding additional stress by changing the values for Number of Threads and Number of Iterations.
The number of Iterations means the query will be executed this amount of times for each thread that is specified. The numbers of threads specify how many concurrent threads SPIDS will be used to execute the number of iterations. Being that we changed the number of iterations to five and the number of threads to five we will expect the total number of iterations completed to be twenty-five.
The iterations completed is twenty-five because we used five threads and had five iterations that were executed for each thread. Below is a screen shot of the the workload completed after we clicked on the "GO" button with valuable average statistics during the workload. If we rerun our T-SQL script from step 5, you will see that there is a total of twenty-six executions for the uspGetEmployeeManagers stored procedure.
This includes our initial execution from step 4 and the additional stress applied in step 6. Next, we are going to cover using a dataset to randomly provide parameters to our stored procedure. Currently we use a hard coded value of eight as the value for the BusinessEntityID parameter.
Now, we are going to click on the "Parameter Substitution" button to use a T-SQL script to create a pool of values that will be used during our stress testing of the uspGetEmployeeManagers stored procedure. Once the parameter substitution window opens we will want to copy our T-SQL statement provided below that will generate the BusinessEntityID values we would want to pass into our stored procedure. Once you added the T-SQL script, you would want to select the column you would like to map to the parameter used for your stored procedure.
Finally, the last part of this step is to drop the hard coded value assignment for the stored procedure. This way the parameter substitution will be used for the parameter value.
To wrap up this tip, we have gone over controlling a workload to provide additional stress and randomly substituting parameters to be used for your workload replay. If you capture a SQL trace and replay the workload you should see a similar output as the one provided in the screen shot below.
Looking at the screen shot below you will notice that each thread SPID has five iterations. Also, you will notice that the values for the businessentityid provided are randomly selected from our block of code provided for the parameter substitution.
Is it possible to have a Excel files or SQL tables in source of query to push a load. Today, I paste my load but is not possible to write "GO" and it's necessary to rewrite my code logged. I have issue withn connecting to database. Well written documentation on the tool. When I ran my Stored procedure for a single iteration I have the above 2 output parameters as 0.
The same when I ran for iterations the 2 output parameters were How do I compare these two? When these two parameters are displaying averages, why my multi-thread values show more values than the single thread values.