Civil war strategy flash game

What makes The Tide Turns such an interesting game is the turn system. Developer: HexWar Available from: Fanatical. The WEGO style of play makes running into the enemy challenging and frequently surprising, forcing you to plan well in advance for future offensives. The world at war: These are the best WW1 games you can play now. The chain-of-command in armies can be customized by the player, allowing obsessive micromanagers to truly fine-tune their army.

Wargamers with a taste for grand strategy could comfortably find themselves at home with Civil War II. The Scourge of War series feature some of the most realistic depictions of generalship of the 19 th century, and Chancellorsville is no exception. The player can take command of different units within either the Union or Confederate forces; from commanding a lone Brigade to commanding the entire army.

Orders given and received are a nice touch, as virtual couriers will arrive with and send out letters you can pen yourself. Units can be directed to form into specific formations and have several different movement options, including instructions to travel via road and to form into a certain formation type upon arrival.

These options are necessary to success, as the AI may have read ahead in the history book, and will prove to be a fierce opponent. The battle of Chancellorsville was an important prelude to Gettysburg, but is not as frequently covered as the latter. However, if you are looking to get your fix of Chamberlains and Picketts, you may also be interested in Scourge of War: Gettysburg. The game has large battlefield maps and s of troops such as infantry, cavalry, artillery and etc.

A review by gamespot states that the game is historically accurate, but maybe a little too much so:. Released in , this 2-player strategy board game by GMT game is one of the best-selling and highly rated Civil War board games available. Each turn represents three months during the winter and two months during the summer, with four Action Phases to each turn.

There are also shorter scenarios included that cover , and Two mapboards Three die-cut countersheets One rules booklet 30 action cards Two setup cards Two player aid cards Two army displays 6 six-sided dice. The game has an 8. Released in , this player strategy board game by Mercury Games is a simulation of the largest battle in the Civil War. The game uses a diceless and cardless system for governing movement and resolving combat. Military units in the game are represented by linear blocks instead of the traditional hex and counters which gives the game an appearance of a 19 th century battlefield map.

Released in , this player strategy card game by GMT covers the span of the entire war and allows you to play either President Lincoln or President Davis to command troops, manage generals, conduct assaults and raids and even combat political intrigue among members of your cabinet.

The Confederate and the Union sides can each do different things. Confederate players can build ironclads and submarines, conduct overseas purchases and try to secure foreign intervention. Union players can build up their naval blockade, fight draft riots, secure the border states and issue the Proclamation of Emancipation. The game allows you to play four yearly strategies plus a grand campaign.

Each turn represents four months. Navies: As time progresses you receive the ability to build not only wooden but also ironclad ships. You can raid enemy commerce, disrupting their income. Attack cities — destroying fortifications. If a city is neutralized you can perform an amphibious invasion establishing a toehold on enemy soil. Email Facebook Reddit Twitter Pinterest. Privacy Statement. Civil War Strategy Game.

Official Club. See System Requirements. Available on PC. Capabilities Single player Local multiplayer 2. Description A one or two player strategic level wargame simulating the American Civil War. Show More. Features Single Player Two Player.


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