This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Praseetha K. In reply to ikram hassan's post on March 7, Hi ikram Hassan, You may try the following steps to change the reserved bandwidth and check if it helps.
Before discussing how to improve your Internet bandwidth performance and, as a result, your Internet speeds, first we have to define what bandwidth actually is. In plain language, bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can be sent or received by your device within a specific amount of time. It is measured in megabytes per second Mbps and can vary depending on your Internet service provider and plan.
Now that you know the basics, you need to understand that you may not always get the exact amount of bandwidth as referenced in your Internet plan, but the average numbers still have to be close to the ones you were promised. Otherwise, keep reading this article to discover all the remaining tips you can follow to fix the problem of low bandwidth. A wireless router is one of those things that can have a huge impact on the quality of your Internet connection.
Therefore, it is very important for you to put it in the right place to make the most out of your allocated bandwidth. You shall also not leave your router unchecked as sometimes its health may be the reason why your Internet speed is low. The thing is that routers, like people, also get overworked to the point they become inefficient. Setting your router on automatic reboot during inactive hours is also an option that will make things even easier.
When you access your router settings, you can see there a feature called QoS or Quality of Service. This feature prioritizes and controls traffic that you send and receive, allowing the important traffic to come first.
For example, you can prioritize a Skype call over Netflix streaming or online gaming services over general Internet use. Upon returning to your Desktop, try streaming a troublesome file once again to see if it plays back properly. Other than that, it may take some additional troubleshooting to find the root of your problem. This may already been discussed, but I figured I'll throw it out there anyway. Posted 20 February - Thank you for the info. I also keep one eye on my internet sevice provider and that's helped me out in the past alot.
I also have low bandwidth issues in my area and make sure I'm running at 3. The issues with windows 7 I was unaware of but will fix asap. Thank you for the help…. That BandwidthThrottling is supposed to help in avoiding timeouts while using Shares over high latency networks. Microsoft is a bit vague about this, but I think it affects only Shares i. That value sets at what maximum rate to process non multimedia traffic when there is multimedia traffic present.
Idea behind it is that multimedia traffic should have priority, because it is usually time sensitive and can't wait or you may see freezes, skips, delays and so on. We hate spam too, unsubscribe at any time. Subscribe on YouTube! Did you enjoy this tip? We cover Windows, Mac, software and apps, and have a bunch of troubleshooting tips and how-to videos. Click the button below to subscribe!
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