The Scopes Evolution Trial was a world-class event in its day, and it continues to attract inquiries and visitors from all over the United States and many parts of the world. The significance of the trial was officially recognized in , when the Rhea County Courthouse was designated a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service, and in , when a one-million-dollar courthouse restoration and Scopes Trial Museum project was completed.
Robinson and W. Currently these can be summarized as Darwinian theory vs. Biblical theology, academic freedom of teachers vs. The above-mentioned two streams of thought converged in the mind of one man: George W. Accounts compiled over years later by various researchers interviewing Robinson, Rappleyea, Scopes, and others disagree so much on specific details that they can be harmonized only on major points.
It is at least clear that by May 5 the following met with Doc Robinson at his drug store to discuss a possible test case of the evolution law: Rappleyea, Superintendent of Schools Walter White, lawyer Wallace C.
Haggard, city attorneys Herbert B. Hicks and his brother Sue K. Since the regular biology teacher, W. Ferguson, refused to be a part of a test case, Scopes was asked to help even though he was the football, basketball, and baseball coach and taught math, physics, and chemistry.
At least he had substituted for a few days in biology class when Ferguson was sick, but Scopes confessed. Because Bryan was a former Secretary of State, three-time presidential candidate, leader of the Democratic Party for some fifteen years, popular silver-tongued orator of the Chautauqua circuit, and famous spokesman for Christian fundamentalist ideas, his arrival on the scene raised the trial to major-league status and broadened the issues.
The thing to do is to make a fool out of Bryan. Neal of their availability. Darrow was radical and sensational, and Malone did not have the best public image, being an international divorce lawyer and a divorced, backslidden Catholic de Camp 74, , ; Fecher ; Scopes The next eight weeks were marked by a mixture of serious legal maneuvers and comic interludes.
Chattanooga leaders tried unsuccessfully to get the trial. Dayton leaders countered successfully by recalling Scopes from vacation in Kentucky, speeding up the legal process by two months, and arranging for two fake fights to maintain media interest. Back in Dayton the population swelled from about to about at the height of the trial.
And then there were the media people: three news services and reporters, whose stories totaled about two million words and whose ranks included H. The official chief counsel for the defense was Dr. John R. McElwee former student of Neal and replacement for John L. Godsey, who resigned the first day of the trial after being active in the planning and preparations. In addition, the defense had as librarian and Biblical authority Charles Francis Potter Modernist Unitarian preacher Scopes 65,; de Camp , , In charge of the prosecution was A.
Hicks from Dayton , Herbert B. Haggard F. Those officiating and assisting at the trial were under much pressure because of the significance of the issues, the importance of some of the lawyers, the hot July weather, the presence of the media, and the crowded conditions of the courtroom, which was built to seat about but had about twice that number seated and standing.
The court reporter was Mrs. Cartright to open in prayer. Because Judge Raulston had been so eager to get the case that he had allowed Scopes to be indicted on May 25th by a grand jury whose term had expired, the judge convened another grand jury to indict Scopes a second time Ginger Eight prospective jurors were examined and excused for various reasons. In the order of their appearance, the following were selected for the jury: W. Roberson farmer, no church affiliation , J.
Dagley farmer, Methodist , James W. Riley farmer, Baptist , W. Taylor farmer, Southern Methodist , R. Gentry farmer and teacher, Baptist ; Jack R. Thompson jury foreman, former U. Marshall, farm owner, Methodist , W. Smith farmer, Baptist , Jess R. Bowman farmer and cabinet maker, Methodist Episcopal. William G. Day farmer, Baptist , R. West farmer and carpenter, Baptist , and John S. Wright farmer, Baptist. Trial ; de Camp On the second day, Monday, July 13, the Reverend M.
Moffett was asked to lead in prayer. The indictment was discussed at length, and a motion by Dr. Neal to quash it failed. The prominent speakers on this day were Dr.
Neal, General Stewart, and Clarence Darrow, the last of whom concluded the day with a speech on freedom that takes up 13 of the 42 pages of the trial record for this day. When Judge Raulston called on the Reverend Dr. Stribling to begin in prayer on the third day, Tuesday, July 14, Clarence Darrow objected to the practice and to the jury being present at the discussion of the matter. After heated discussion on both sides, the judge overruled in favor of opening the court with prayer.
Court was then adjourned for much of the day in order to allow the judge to formulate a decision regarding the question raised on day two about the constitutionality of the law and the motion to quash the indictment. Bloch Law Library Borrow it. Library Links. Layout options: Carousel Grid List Card. Include data citation:. Copy to clipboard Close. Cite Data - Experimental. Data Citation of the Item The world's most famous court trial : Tennessee evolution case : a word-for-word report of the famous court test of the Tennessee Anti-Evolution Act, at Dayton, July 10 to 21, , including speeches and arguments of attorneys, testimony of noted scientists, and Bryan's last speech, electronic resource.
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