Well, at least for a while. I remember playing BOF3 to death for a couple of weeks. I never knew about that Gunners Heaven game, looks awsome! And you should include Darius Gaiden on the shmups section. BTW have you checked the comments on the Mega Drive hidden gems list? Just to let you know. Stuff like this is horrible though, I am already suffering from a severe case of being a Saturn Collector … I dont need the temptation of the PSX as well!
I personaly think it blows FF Tactics completely away in several catagories. Now I can find it again! Excellent, excellent list. Game field was separated in squares. Hey, fantastic site you guys have going here. In this list I felt the need to comment as I didnt see mention made of Megaman Legends 1 or 2. These are quite easily 2 of the best games esp. Perhaps you have not played them?
They didnt get nearly as much attention as they should have. If you have the chance pick them up and try them. They are a huge change from side-scrolling megaman titles but then again so was battle network and it had a good run. You wont be dissapointed.
Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Guides Journal Together Retro Forum. July 26th, at pm. Playstation , Retro Gaming. January 13, at pm. All Hail The New Flesh says:. Fuckface says:. February 7, at pm. Timerever says:. January 14, at am.
January 14, at pm. Roos says:. Anonymous says:. February 10, at pm. FuneralThirst says:. June 17, at pm. Salient says:. I may take a shot at one again this next year, but I really want to keep prioritizing the value guides as they change so much more.
Should that not be Atlus? Been reading here for years. Love the site. Thanks brotha! What about Yuuyami Doori Tankentai? I was thinking of selling mine cuz we played them all and kind of out grown them. Same for Gex 1 — Wonderful list and in-depth explanation. Especially since the translations back then were pretty bad in rpgs.
It seems that could be quite valuable item, am i right? Disc has one light scratch and few dusty finger prints. Do you have idea of this item value? Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.
Guides Journal Together Retro Forum. March 24th, at am. April 23, at pm. Sarge says:. August 8, at pm. Daniel says:. August 12, at am. Alan says:. May 8, at am. May 8, at pm. Jezdo says:. May 9, at am. AngrySquirrel34 says:. May 9, at pm. August 11, at pm. John says:. August 7, at am. Early 90's MF says:. July 7, at pm. Paper Artillery says:. August 20, at am. August 21, at am. Solid Snake says:. October 5, at am. January 14, at am.
Retro says:. June 11, at am. June 19, at pm. Lee says:. June 24, at am. BKW says:. July 31, at am. January 31, at pm. Ilec West says:. February 3, at am. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Retro Gaming Learn essential information about vintage consoles. Defining Games Discover the games that gave each machine its personality. Most Valuable Discover the rarest and more valuable games of all time. Good Graphics!!! They're nice and responsive but when you're dashing, Tomba will skid a little before he stops if you let go of Square.
However, that's a nice touch Great Controls!!!! You're wrong, though. You see, in this game, you're given There are MANY missions in this game and to acquire them, you need to talk to certain people or go to certain places. Once you've completed a mission, it'll say so and, chances are, you will gain an item. These missions add a nice touch and originality to this game.
There are also the bosses You need to get a bag of their ''element'' and then go to the place which will open the doors to them. Then, to fight them, you need to get them in the bag but you'll find out. The enemies The only way to kill them is to jump on top of them and then throw them at an object or on the ground. It's simple enough. Great Gameplay!!!! You do get something special for completing them all, I'm sure although I forgot.
Otherwise, there's no other reason. Ok Replay Ability! It's completing the missions that are hard. Some are kind of obvious on the solution but some aren't as obvious and some are just plain hard like the one with the ''go-cart''. However, it's because of the simplicity of everything else that gives this game a good score on difficulty note that it's not rated on how hard, so if it got a 10, it wouldn't mean it's super hard.
Great Difficulty!!!! Enough said. Good Length!!! Other: You gotta love the pink hair. Buy or Rent? Definitely BUY!!! Tomba is like a blast from the past, with a twist. On the surface, it looks just like the side-scrolling platform games of the bit era. You'll find the requisite jumps, attacks, tricks of timing, and monsters evil pigs, no less! But Tomba adds to this tried-and-true formula. There are numerous "events" Tomba must complete in order to advance through the game.
For instance, near the beginning of the game, you learn that you must clear some fog in order to move forward.
It's up to you to find out how to complete this task; it takes a bit of exploration to figure this puzzle out. Once you've gotten rid of the fog, you have "cleared" an event, and you can move on.
Not all events are so straightforward; some tasks are downright cryptic, and you can have several events to clear at any one time, so playing Tomba requires some concentration. Tomba sports fresh, very cheerful graphics, decent sound and music appropriate for a platform game, and smooth controls.
There's a lot of moves to master, but signposts along the way teach you how to use your controller as you progress through the game. Some areas of the game allow you to explore the foreground and the background of the level as separate areas, but don't let that fool you: Tomba is at heart a 2D game. The only real drawback to playing Tomba is the limited ability to save your progress. In order to save a game, you must find one of the special signposts scattered throughout the levels; it's a chore to save your game when you want to.
A much more logical option would have allowed you to save your progress whenever you cleared an event. But that's just a minor complaint. Tomba is a great game well suited for anyone who wants a break from the glut of 3D action games out there. Read full review.