Black and white enigma game walkthrough

For example, the food storage can be filled by either dropping grain or livestock on it or by casting Food miracles. Note that having a creature leashed to a building won't automatically make the creature interact with the building unless you have taught it what to do. In fact, it seems to be a rather poor use of the leash except for a well trained creature, but even then, unrestricting its area of movement will most definitely have it moving out of the village sooner or later.

And, if you do have your creature leashed to a building in the village, make sure you unleash it when it needs food and sleep, which it otherwise might not prioritise. An area of trouble seems to be if you want to have your creature deliver food to the worshippers at your temple. This is very hard for it to copy, since there doesn't seem to be a clear distinction between the different parts of the temple to your creature it seems to regard the tower, the surrounding shrines and its pen as one and the same.

If you have taught your creature the Food miracle, however, the best way is simply to leash it to the food desire flag on a temple shrine and have it figure out by itself that it should cast a miracle on the worshippers. Remember to stroke the creature when it gets it right. This method is very effective. Also, if your creature is kind to the villagers, it may pick one up from time to time, pat the villager a little and then put it back down.

That villager will then have a very high chance of turning into a disciple breeder! This can happen very often with a creature which is kind to villagers, so be watchful of your creature so your villagers won't cause overbreeding, which is a nightmare. So, if you want your creature to continue being nice to villagers, but not create that many breeders, leash it the moment it picks up a villager.

Then action click by its feet to make it put the villager down and make the creature do something more useful instead. The best thing is to assign all disciples yourself. Remember which villagers you put to work far from your village, and seek them out when you have your creature leashed to the Learning Rope.

Disciples who work far from home have to travel great distances and will have less time to go to the storage for food or go home and sleep very often and because of this, their health will deteriorate. So, cast Heal miracles on these villagers and make sure your creature notices it. Then give it a big reward when it casts Heal on a villager itself. The deaths in the village will decrease over time if your creature learns this well.

It is uncertain how the villagers react to having poop all over the place, but I suspect that they might not approve. You can actually teach your creature to stop pooping entirely. To do this, slap it immediately when you first witness the creature pooping against something. Hopefully, the creature will still need to poop, and will show you this by farting.

Slap it again, but this time give it a good go. Sometimes, this is enough to have it give up ever wanting to poop again. Though it is unknown if this will have any damaging effect on the creature.

Although it has been suggested that you should train your creature to poop in the fields, it seems to be of little use. Personally, I'd rather use the Water miracle, as it is much more effective and pleasant.

Since you don't get any Prayer Energy for this, a sacrifice of the leftover food hasn't been made, so it would seem that this indeed is a bug! The expand desire flag is also unreliable. Once you create a construction site for a building or drop wood on a construction site , the flag will slide down and disappear completely, but once the building is finished, it will pop right up to the top again! A similar behaviour can be seen on some fields.

If you empty all food and then water it, the field will pop right up, and then slowly slide down again. Seems like some graphical bugs to me, but still If you want to play really good aligned, satisfying all the needs of the villagers will become so time consuming that you might suddenly find that it is all you do. Humans are the most annoying thing in the game. They are never satisfied, always want more, devour natural resources in seconds, breed like rabbits and spread like locusts.

I will complain a lot about expanding and breeding desires below, and since it is vital to expand in order to gain more influence and power, you might be puzzled as to why it is so bad. Well, the thing is that if you are unlucky, villagers will want to expand until there is no more room on the entire island, not even for forests!

And forests are life. Without them, you will die. A tip to keep easier track of all the villagers is to use the "S" key, as described in the manual, to activate small information bubbles above each villager.

And note that villagers, although seemingly originating from primitive cultures, may live until they are well over eighty years old probably one of the perks of living in "Eden". Also understand that villagers have their own unique personalities and attributes. If you notice a lot of people in your village "chilling out", you may have a problem with lazy villagers.

Put these villagers to work immediately to prevent disillusion or if you are extremely kind, cast a nice miracle near them to impress them and get them to work that way. Good disciples for these kind of villagers would be fishermen, foresters or traders, since they would have to walk a lot, and not have time to sit down much. Do monitor the health of people who work far away from the village storage, though, as lack of food and sleep will affect their well being.

Also be aware that breeding one lazy villager with another may produce an even lazier offspring. Inbreeding is not taken into account, which can be used to your advantage. The manual fails to highlight a lot of things about how demanding the villagers really are. In fact, there is a whole evil circle involved in managing villages.

First of all, villagers will need food to survive. But too much food will induce a desire for breeding, and satisfying breeding will induce a desire for expanding from the offspring, which in turn will require wood and thus raise the desire for that. And after all the new villagers have new homes, they must feed again and so the food desire once again goes up.

This, if not countered, will spiral downward towards your doom. Usually, the first problem you encounter is that your initial village has a maximized expansion desire. Now, to expand, you will need wood, and you can't just keep giving the villagers wood forever, since they will become disillusioned. You will need forests near your village, and a lot of them. Training your creature to water trees is a very good idea as a couple of disciple foresters in a village with a high forest desire can devour a huge forest in no time.

Another problem with trees is that the stupid villagers cut down the smallest trees first, which won't yield as much wood and which will prevent the forest from growing at its fastest rate.

Always water the small trees to counter this! Also note that since the buildings you construct vary depending on the current needs of the villagers and the location you are trying to place it, you can sometimes get a better building by trying a couple of different places this can be important with bigger houses, since they all cost two scaffolds, but house different amounts of villagers.

The workshop is a very good target for the Wood miracle, with no risk of disillusion, since the villagers won't deliver wood to it by themselves unless you assign disciple craftsmen to it which you should definetly do. Construction sites are also equally good targets. This leads to the second problem. The villagers won't deliver food to your temple shrines no matter what you do! This is a veritable management nightmare since the shrines are the source of your Prayer Energy.

Temple shrines don't work like the village storage either. You cannot dump a large amount of food on a shrine and expect it to last. A large amount of food dumped in a shrine will last almost exactly as long as a small amount of food. Instead, keep your deliveries regular and don't concentrate on the amount of food, but rather if the food pile is gone or not. You can get the creature to deliver for you, but it can only carry small amounts initially so it is a rather ineffective use of your creature.

Teach it to use the Food miracle instead and leash it to the food desire flag on a shrine. This way, the creature will automatically try to lower the flag using what it has learnt. Note that leashing the creature to the shrine altar won't accomplish anything except if you have an evil creature, in which case it may start sacrificing villagers.

Worshippers produce Prayer Energy by draining their own lives, so they will also need healing from time to time, or they will die at the site even if the flag which indicates the need for sleep isn't visible at all. Next up is breeding. This is the worst thing that can happen, since when villagers decide they want to breed, it will affect all other desires too, as mentioned above.

Breeding doesn't cost you anything to fix, but the consequences of too much offspring will. Note that male breeders can impregnate more than one woman. A female breeder will only produce offspring once every 9 months about one real minute. Select the gender of the breeder according to your expansion plans for your village and your current needs.

Luckily, even if you are playing good, you can ignore the breeding desire flag. Breeding is apparently something villagers revert back to desire when all their other needs are fullfilled. So, even though they may complain, you actually do have happy villagers assuming that the rest of the flags are kept low, that is. Finally, we have food.

This is the least of the problems, yet it still is a problem, since even though you can have one field per ten villagers, a couple of disciple fishermen and a good supply of grain coming into the storage regularly, if the storage isn't extremely well loaded, the villagers will complain.

Food miracles cast on the storage by either you or your creature in addition to many fields will remedy the situation, though. But be careful; overfeeding will cause the desire to breed to increase, and you'll soon have worse problems than just disillusion on your hands.

Civic building desire is the only thing which isn't a problem, since only three types exist, and after you've built them, the villagers will be satisfied.

Usually, the kids just run around after their mothers until they grow up, but if you drop, or throw, a couple of rocks outside the building they may start dancing around them and make Artefacts out of the rocks. The Artefacts can then be used to convert other villages by dumping them there instead after they have started glowing and showing your symbol.

Note that if you are passive, people will stop dancing around the Artefacts. To remedy this, perform some miracles in and around the village in order to impress the villagers into getting them dancing again area effect miracles such as Flying Creatures and Increased Heal are very effective for this.

A balance between expansion and breeding can be achieved, but you will probably sweat and swear a lot before you find it. One way to do it is to acommodate all needs but breeding. The villagers may then die without leaving any families behind, and houses will start to empty. If that happens, you can put a couple of breeders to work without having to expand or watch out for other increasing desires until the houses are filled up again. Note that the amount of people the village can hold, as shown by the Totem will NOT be the same as the number of empty rooms in the houses.

The houses only show how many adults they can house! The children capacity of a building can't be seen. Villagers can ask for more homes even if there seems to be enough space, since there can be a child who is homeless.

Also, a building can be moved as long as the scaffold is visible. If you want to change the location of a building, you will have to tear it down so that you can reach inside it and grab the scaffold it will appear once the building is enough damaged. Placing buildings too close can also have the effect that your creature won't be able to reach certain areas, since it can't fit between the houses!

Until it gets so large that it can walk over houses, that is. Reduce or Enlarge Creature miracles can temporarily counter such situations, though. Note that if you need help with a certain desire in the village, you can actually leash your creature to an individual desire flag, and it will try to assist in the best possible way it knows. Finally, the scroll in your Temple which contains village statistics only displays the total of all your villages.

To see statistics such as available space or disciples for a single village, you will have to run around to every village and knock on houses, look at Totems or inspect villagers by yourself. Put a shield on that area, but be aware that a too small shield makes the lightning pierce through If a town center catches fire, everyone from the worship site will come running to try to put it out. The totem will also be set to zero and you won't be able to raise it until the town center is restored If the creature becomes stuck in a village, it WILL act in a destructive manner while it tries to get out that is, it will kick and wreck structures so that it can pass and you cannot punish it since then it will remain stuck Well, the sun rises and sets in the exact same spot on the horizon Also, the transparent building on a construction site shows the building properly sloped against the ground, but a finished building will always be completely horizontal and thus may be "buried" under a hillside.

There will also be notes about gold scrolls and solutions to secret island quests those without any scrolls. Note that I will write the general tips first, and only dig into the secret stuff in the last couple of paragraphs, so there should be minimal spoilers on the first couple of lines for each island.

This happens when an Actor turned Vagrant Start dies press "S" to see their titles. Usually, it is the Singing Stone guy who dies of old age after some time, but all the other Actors eventually die too if you wait long enough except the Stone Cutter, it seems. Naturally, you shouldn't have to take the blame for this, so it is considered a bug for now. But on the other hand, the demands placed on you here are extremely low, so it is a very good place to hone your creature training skills and also teach the creature every miracle on the island.

There is no time limit on how long you can stay here. But, there's also a drawback. Since not everything in the game can be accessed yet, you may not be able to teach your creature everything you want.

You can, however, save the game and play a skirmish for awhile, and then load and take your creature back to the island with all its newly gained knowledge. You will have to do certain gold scroll quests in order to get a creature, but don't do the last one the one the Guide creature warns you about if you want to hang out on the island.

Note that no quest should be of any trouble here, since the camera will always zoom to show you any important places of the quest, and both Whitey and Blackie will give you hints and tips.

Also, the best way to help the farmer woman is to simply drop the sick brother by her. Wrecking her house is evil, but you can do better than that! Kill the brother and then drop the corpse by her. Or even worse, trash the house, kill the sister and drop her corpse by him he'll then die of shock. When you decide to activate the last gold scroll, make sure you stack up on one-shot miracles by picking them off the dispensers and dropping them and anything else you want to take with you, since you can drop it all in the vortex when it opens and it will be there on the next island.

Remember to bring all your villagers too! Note that the natural way to complete the Ogre quest would be after the Piper quest, but if you do it the other way around, the improved miracle dispenser you get as a reward will be given after the Piper instead.

When you finally leave the island, make sure your creature is trained and ready to handle itself, since you may not have much time to spend with it on island two the demands of the villagers there are bound to keep you busy for long periods of time. If you have downloaded new creatures, there is a hut with a silver scroll beyond the beach with the Ark, where you can exchange creatures.

This may be another of those very strange design decisions, but one I can't figure out at all. Also, the time and thus distance an AI god can reach out and act outside its area of influence might also be questionable Some people have complained about huge saving and loading times when they reach the second island or play a very long skirmish game. Well, hopefully this will be optimised in a patch by Lionhead, but in the meantime, if you have an additional mb of disk space, copy the Audio folder from the CD to its corresponding folder on your hard drive.

Note that you do this on your own risk! You still can't construct buildings yet, even though your villagers will want them. Be patient, though, since you will soon be taught how to. In the meantime, it would be wise to teach your creature how to water forests, since they are so scarce on this island that BOTH of the other gods will steal trees from you! Also, you are probably meant to learn how to micromanage villages on this island, since you absolutely have to!

The stupid villagers won't lift a finger except for doing massive breeding and devastation of forests. In fact, the closest primaeval forest to the village will usually be devoured in a matter of minutes, and there is no way to get it back. Use the Water miracle on the surviving trees quickly in order to regenerate as many trees as possible, and get your creature to help you!

Also, once small trees pop up, target them instead of the larger trees and your forest will grow even faster. Once you do get a workshop and the ability to construct buildings, note that you will need to expand initially to get all the villagers from island one into houses. It is also alright to expand a bit further, since it will give you more power, but watch out so you don't run out of space to build new homes it can happen, if you don't take control over their desires.

If your expansion does get out of control, do everything in your power to keep forests growing, since without them you will be doomed. Also, when you have managed to house all the villagers you brought with you from the first island, you will get the knowledge of the Forest miracle.

Because of all the lazy villagers on this island, you will have to keep a steady amount of disciples to get anything done. To be able to do this, you will need a good memory and a keen eye. Because, when a disciple dies, they won't transfer their knowledge over to their offspring, and thus, when you notice that the disciple count is dwindling on the scroll in your Temple, you must zoom around over every village to find out where it was that one of your disciples died.

In order to be able to cast your own miracles and start using the Totem in your village center, activate the first couple of golden scroll as soon as possible.

When you reach the right golden scroll the one where you get taught how to use the gestures , Khazar will want you to impress a village. Note that you do not have to take over the village, you only have to impress them until the point where Khazar leaves. You can then go back to your first village again, and continue managing that until you feel comfortable with it.

You do not have to worry so much about breeding initially in the first village, since the food levels will be low and you can keep them that way by constantly taking food from the storage to supply your temple shrines or divert the villagers to other duties instead. Khazar will also urge you to conquer Lethys' villages far too soon, in my opinion. Make sure your own villages are well balanced first! So, this is the first island where you have to take over other villages.

Depending on whether you are playing good or evil, choose your desired method of converting the other villages, but it won't require much belief on this island However, there is a hidden quest near Lethys' first village.

It's a tree puzzle, which will grant you a Flying Creatures miracle dispenser if it is solved, which in turn will make it much easier to impress the village. To solve the puzzle, note that each moved tree changes all trees around it. So, work your way around the edges and have it so your last move is to change the middle tree. Note the amount of lazy people in the village closest to your first one.

When you take over that village, deal with them in a way you feel is appropriate. There is also an unclaimed Greek village near Khazar's realm, where there will be a person sacrificing children in order to keep the villagers constantly youthful. He will curse if you pick him up, and if you do kill him, all the people in that village will die. Once you take over the first village from the enemy god, Lethys, you are on your own.

Lethys will rarely attack you, though, and will mainly cast protection on his own villages if you try to convert them. He will, however attack your creature with his arsenal of miracles if it gets too near a village of his.

Make sure your creature can both cast Water AND Heal on itself this may actually have to be taught during an attack.

Also note that you cannot damage or destroy his temple until ALL of his villages are either neutral or under your control. And for disposing temples, throwing flaming boulders heated with fireballs are very effective. Casting a Teleport miracle outside far away villages and next to your Temple is also a very good idea, to save people the long walk to and from the worship sites especially during the time that they are being built. When you have conquered all but the final of Lethys' villages, you will witness a small cut-scene and a Vortex will appear and yes, what happens is unavoidable.

This Vortex will only stay open for a limited amount of time, but all is not lost if you miss it. A second Vortex will appear if you conquer all of Lethys villages and destroy his temple. That Vortex will also stay open so you can drop artefacts, villagers, miracles, wood and grain to take with you. Oh, and on a final note, really evil players can totally ignore Lethys or not and instead try to defeat Khazar, and it will have the same effect as in conquering all of Lethys villages!

The Tree Puzzle also seems buggy on this island. After pulling trees for a while some of them will shrink and not display any change although they do actually change in the puzzle, but still sabotage a correct solution. The behavior of Lethys is also extremely puzzling on this island. Sometimes he will Lightning Bolt thin air for minutes, sometimes he will walk back and forth for hours and I've even observed him and his creature standing still in a pile of burning food for about half an hour Also, if Lethys' temple vanishes along with the leashes , his creature may still be leashed to something, and that leash will never disappear.

Your initial area of influence is also rather small, but it will as usual grow with more belief and larger villages. You do have an initial village on the third island, even though it may not look like it at first. A couple of civic buildings are scattered amongst the hilly terrain and they need to be finished.

This requires wood and some workers. The wood can be found at the bottom of the waterfall next to your village on a strategically placed miracle dispenser. Only use this wood on construction sites though, in order to prevent disillusion.

Since a workshop is one of the civic buildings, you may be tempted to start building housing for your villagers, but you actually don't need to do that here! The villagers will create construction sites for enough houses to keep everyone happy for awhile, and all you need to do is supply them with wood. However, when you do need to start to expand by yourself, consider leaving the mountain paths unblocked by new buildings.

After your first village is according to your satisfication, it would be well advised to complete the Shaolin quest as soon as possible before you try to conquer the second village, even. The rewards for that quest are triggered by events on the island, and once those events have happened, the chance of getting the rewards will be lost. By now, you should have noticed a small Celtic guy sitting by a campfire between the first and second villages he is the one you always hear whining if you get close.

This man is seemingly invincible and will challenge you to throw him around. If you do, you will notice that he has a small area of influence around him, which you can use to your advantage if you like.

When you conquer the second village, Lethys will start messing with you again. He will cast a couple of fireballs to set some of your villagers on fire. This will cause them to start running around, setting fire to anything they come near. If you haven't got any worshippers at your Temple yet, you obviously can't cast the Water miracle on them.

However, there is another tactic for this situation. Pick up someone which is on fire and drop that villager by a beach, about knee-deep in water just so he or she doesn't start drowning. This will put out the fire and you can quickly move on to the next villager.

A similar incident happens after you have conquered the third village. A possessed pack of wolves will be conjured up to attack the people in the village. As before, there are a number of things you can do to save Prayer Energy here. Setting fire to the forest they run through is an energy saving alternative, but since forests are valuable, it is not one of the better ways. A much more proficient strategy is to swiftly pick up each wolf and drop them in the village storage for food!

After awhile, a tree puzzle, like the one on the second island, will appear above the invincible guy's camp. This one may be harder to solve it has three types of trees instead of two but will yield a Flying Creatures miracle at your third village, which will help a lot when trying to conquer the fourth one. On this island, you may also have to look out for thunderstorms, since lightning may hit your villages and kill people or set buildings on fire.

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