HotSpot module helps you in controlling and billing your Wi-Fi customers for the Internet usage. Customer does not need to install any client software.
Upon connecting to your Wi-Fi, customer may get a free trial or enter a valid username and a password in the browser to get Internet access. Create free or paid WiFi HotSpot. Limit free access by allowed time usage, data transfer, bandwidth quota limits, daily time limit, number of daily logins, number of simultaneous logins with aggregation, usage schedule, which is very practical when offering free WiFi Internet.
Collect your customers Email, name, address, gender, birthday, phone, room and additional data. Add your custom fields, mark fields as required and export collected data for your marketing activity. Download and upload rate is configured for each user account separately and it represents speed of customer connection to the Internet. You can sell high rate accounts for additional fee or save more bandwidth for VIP customers.
Bandwidth quota is configured for every account and it represents total amount of traffic available to customer. Example: Customer can download MB daily, 5 GB monthly or combination of these, with option to order additional bandwidth. Customer can browse specified host sites without authentication. You can allow browsing of company website with advertisement free of charge. If customers wants to find out more, login will be required.
Cafe logs different actions performed by employees or customers, including sales, session start and stop, incorrect login attempts etc. Customers are prompted to enter valid username and password to get Internet access, or to start playing games or using programs. After successful login, your customer will see the remaining time and bandwidth quota, expiration date and other relevant info.
Internet Cafe software is created with your needs and concerns in mind. It easily scale from a little Cyber Cafe shop to a major eSports center chain with the same simple interface.
Tight control of your employees, POS system that bills additional services, accept credit cards and offer automatic payment and signup. Various reports provides instant access to statistics, current stock. Save your time, money and effort! Internet Cafe software is first Antamedia brand application. It was providing basic control over Cyber Cafe in late when it is developed.
Internet Cafe software grow over time with customer business and their users expectations and needs. Internet Cafe software offers different templates for accounts, refills and receipt printing. Tickets can be printed when needed, or in advance, for example tickets printed and distributed to various sales locations. Tickets can expire from first use, and optionally expire specified number of days from the last customer login.
Offer discounts for desired products to stimulate sales. You can easily define promotion intervals for a product, or product categories, or configure up to three happy hour intervals. Save time and resources by allowing the customer to create account and pay for use directly from the client computer.
The secure automated payment process lets you accept over 70 major internet payment gateways including PayPal. If you run cafeteria or restaurant, you can handle all customer orders using tables. Displays advertisement on the client interface.
Flash or image is displayed after customer login for specified time. After that customer gets an access to the menu interface to start working or playing. Our software helps you easily start and grow. Build your WiFi and wired network with any hardware you already own.
Configure games available to customers, easily control Internet use, create complex price plans, maintain customer accounts and get robust reports on game statistics, billing, usage, bandwidth, URL logs. Educational institutions grants students and visitors limited access, usually monthly renewable and with time limitations.
Block access to sensitive computer resources and allow access to important application for your students at the same time, track usage logs and get real-time statistics.
Setup, manage and control your eSport Center. Bill your customers for playing games, Internet use or additional WiFi access during their stay.
Advanced user management, time tracking, pre or post-paid billing, POS sales, PC security, staff management and many other features will help you run a successful eSport center. Install server part of the software on your main PC, and client part on all other computers in the network. Welcome Antamedia hotspot crack keygen. Physics-VolumeDavid-Halliday Checked.. Download Antamedia HotSpot Software2. Free Hotspot software by Antamedia is the Industry..
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Customer usage andstatistics is tracked for user logins, tickets, free usage,refills, self-service signups. Advanced POS helps you bill your customers while keeping track ofyour inventory and reminding you on low stock.
Loyalty featureswith smart cards support brings promotions and rewards, increasingprofit from existing customers. Due to the HotSpot module, users will be able to restrict downloadand upload rates, as well as bandwidth data transfer, while alsokeeping a log of the webpages visited by customers.