Anamorphic DVDs work in the same way, but they have a special flag that tells the display to stretch automatically so you in turn don't have to enable a full or stretched mode. As to why some of you don't have to enable a stretched mode I have no idea, perhaps it's on by default.
By default my TV always puts everything in "Full" aka. I was playing around with my settings for Tekken 5 and noticed it kept saying mode in spite of me clearly having widescreen on and functional. When I got the Wii, it did the same thing, so I figured that's just how consoles handle p. Kris Gawd. Joined Jun 27, Messages It's in P and, according to my TV, 16X9.
If that helps any Joined Dec 7, Messages 5, The Wii outputs a true p image that is correctly proportioned for widescreen. I don't understand what the issue here is. Not quite, read post 20 and the links provided. I was expecting it to output full p, but I guess this isn't common as the PS2 and Xbox behave the same way as the Wii. It's not really an 'issue', but I was under the impression that you wanted to avoid stretching whenever possible.
It isn't possible with the Wii. Most people run their displays in stretch mode full time so it probably hasn't been noticed much on these boards, better information is found over at AVSForum. I read them when they were posted, as I've been a member of AVS for about three years. It's not stretching, and for you to call it stretching indicates that you don't "get" what's going on.
You should go read the threads fully. Can you show me a screenshot of a Wii outputting xp which would be a perfect source? See now this is something I don't understand; you're saying that it's actually displaying a image of x?
So you're trying to say that is using the same resolution as ? In my opinion it's displaying the right image but in a distorted manner, having nothing to do with the resolution. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you I'm a hardcore PC gamer, so I'm new to all this miserable home theater bullshit. It is stretching, I get what's going on completely. I would hope that you might know a thing or two after being a member there three years, but I guess not.
They're stretched out to fill the screen which makes it look correct. It's very simple. You start with a circle, output it as an oval, and the tv makes it as a circle even though it is filling the screen. It's not scaling based on a source, so how exactly do you explain it? The analog p signal does not have a discrete resolution. The signal has no inherent aspect ratio. This is the key fact that you're missing.
That doesn't really answer my question, what is the total resolution the Wii outputs and how does it display natively with no stretching or scaling by the display device? Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
Boards Nintendo Wii List of widescreen Wii games. Shamrock99 9 years ago 1. Does anyone have such a list? Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? DishSoap 8 years ago 2 Maybe the tv aspect ratio isn't right. FuzzyJello 8 years ago 3 Your TV aspect ratio setting should be the first thing to check.
CrimsonStryke28 8 years ago 4 Depending on your tv, tc.. CTipple Topic Creator 8 years ago 6 Thanks for the replies so far. Why are gamecube component cables more expensive than wii. If you had to make a list of the ten best Wii Games what would you put on it?
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The puzzles are just as straightforward and are a far cry from the hard puzzles in the original game. Along with updated graphics and music, A Boy and His Blob is a mellow puzzle platform for all ages. Unlike its prequel, which was only available in Japan or at least until it was available on Nintendo Switch Online , Star Successor happened to find its way to the West. One can also fly around on a hoverboard, as they fire away bullets to their heart's content.
The Wii title serves as a prequel to the original Dead Space, involving survivors from a mining colony fighting off the Necromoprhs.
Much like Star Successor , Dead Space: Extraction plays like a rail shooter, but only with a more horror feel. The level design makes for plenty of jumpscares, and also plenty of challenges that the player has to get through. Dead Space Extraction is pretty short, but it's a fun little romp regardless. Most 3D Sonic games tend to get a bad rep and a topic of contention among Sonic fans , but Sonic Colors is one of the better Sonic titles on the Wii. It plays like any other 3D Sonic game, but only with a higher emphasis on platforming.
This game also marked the series debut of the Wisps - colorful aliens creatures that grant Sonic a different power-up to use. A lot of elements from Sonic Unleashed were repurposed in Colors , such as the Sonic Boost and the long-range homing attack, but the Wisps are essentially the bread and butter of this Sonic classic.