Monte vista co crops

Colorado Department of Agriculture licensed applicators and consultants As state licensed commercial applicators and consultants we work closely with potato growers and packers to ensure good clean storage and sprout control programs.

Service is our top priority. Post-Harvest Services Apply products to sanitize the Potatoes of any bacteria or diseases that may have occurred during harvest. The inspection service ensures the shipment of high quality fruits and vegetables and enhances Colorado's reputation as a supplier of superior produce. These inspections determine grade, size, and quality on more than 2.

EFI will now bring a new focus on the Midwest fresh fruit and vegetable industry, based on market research and the latest industry trends. Produce Crops. Harvest is expected to finish up about Oct. View the discussion thread. Often bee hives are placed near a canola field as the blooms attract so many honey bees to the area. While the mushrooms are grown indoors the smell is not containable. The decaying smell of the materials used in growing the mushrooms can often be smelled for miles.

Return to Top of Southern Colorado Farming. Enjoy this page? Please tell others about it. Here's how Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? Ranching of sheep and cows are another industry found here. The area is considered a desert with an average of only seven inches of annual precipitation. From the time the crops are planted in May, to harvest, the area is full of activity.

Changing of the Times It is not uncommon for some of the San Luis Valley farms to be in the same families for over years as heritage is very strong with generation after generation continuing farming and ranching practices. Potatoes One of the main crops of Southern Colorado Farming is potatoes.

It is a great way to learn about potatoes and see harvest first hand.


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