The department seeks to further clarify issues of degree progress through the following policies: Progress Reports - Students must demonstrate continued progress towards the degree and submit a progress report at the end of each academic year.
These reports are kept on file with the department and help the faculty assess what each student must do to complete the program. Leave of Absence - Students must be registered for at least one credit hour every semester excluding summers or request an official leave of absence to avoid being dismissed from the program. A student can take no more than one year of leave of absence for personal reasons. A leave of absence is designed to allow students to focus on non-academic issues that may interfere with the degree progress and not for students to do academic work while not enrolled.
If students fail to register for courses and do not have a formal leave of absence, they will need to reapply to the program. Re-admission is not guaranteed.
Note that all degree candidates must be enrolled during the term in which the degree is awarded. Residency Requirement - Two full-time semesters minimum 8 credits per semester or equivalent credits are required. MA Thesis Completion - After three years, students who have not written and defended their thesis must justify their progress to the Graduate Chair. The Graduate Chair will assess their continued tenure in the program.
MA Event Completion - After three years, students who have not submitted their culminating presentation must justify their progress to the Graduate Chair. Departmental Roles and Responsibilities. Thesis or Event Advisor Serves as the primary mentor for the student and meets with them each term Supervises completion of the thesis or culminating event Writes letters of recommendation for the student, when requested.
MA Coursework. Additional Courses 12 credits All master's candidates must complete additional coursework to total 30 credit hours selected from graduate courses and above from any department. MA Thesis: General Guidelines. Details for key milestones in the MA Thesis program. Thesis Proposal Working with their Advisor, students must write a brief research proposal.
Thesis Committee Students must create a 3-person committee, which must include at least two members from the department. Thesis The thesis should be an original contribution to the field. Final Oral Defense Upon the completion of the thesis, students will schedule an oral defense of their work.
Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3. The GRE requirement is being waived for fall admissions. Applicants do not have to submit GRE scores, but can do so if they wish. Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of current residency.
To assist in evaluating all candidates, the applicant should list titles and related information for all previous undergraduate and graduate courses or coursework in political science or related fields.
The file must be saved in a. Undergraduate coursework in political science is not a prerequisite for admission. However, master's degree students should have a basic understanding of elementary statistics and the undergraduate content of the political science fields of concentration that they wish to study.
Students should allow sufficient time to acquire such a background. Applications not complete as of the deadline may not be considered. We do not offer Spring admissions. Research methods and techniques of the discipline, emphasizing empirical foundations and analytic methods employed in subfields. Students selecting the Portfolio option will complete the 30 required credits through elective courses in addition to POS and major degree requirements.
This program allows students to obtain both a bachelor's and master's degree in as little as five years. It is offered as an accelerated bachelor's and master's degree with:.
Acceptance to the graduate program requires a separate application. During their junior year, eligible students will be advised by their academic departments to apply.
With over programs in more than 65 countries ranging from one week to one year , study abroad is possible for all ASU students wishing to gain global skills and knowledge in preparation for a 21st-century career.
Students earn ASU credit for completed courses, while staying on track for graduation, and may apply financial aid and scholarships toward program costs. If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will contact you directly. Political Science, MA. Program Description Degree Awarded: MA Political Science The MA program in political science offers a variety of areas of specialization within and between the four main sub-fields of political science American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory with particular strengths in ethno-religious dynamics, women and politics, conflict and human rights, and Latino politics.
Scholarship application deadline for doctoral programs. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis subject to spaces available. Fund your studies - Fees and Financial Aid.